
Monday, July 9, 2007

Aura: Ruby - July 14th, 2007

Overmind Works and The Mystic Jewel present:
Saturday, July 14th, 2007.
A dance music showcase featuring ethno-chill tunes, ancient tribal beatsand cutting edge Psychedelic Trance from around the world.

Special guest Navigator:Avalon

Lighting powered by Psyteknology
UV Painting by SunRa
Visuals by Syntax
7pm - 4am
$5 at the door - 18+ only
Enjoy the spacious dance floor, hookah lounge, refreshments, henna tattoo artistry, UV/fluorescent body painting, Tarot card reading, and chair massage.
The Mystic Jewel studio features a beautiful hardwood dance floor and they havegraciously allowed us to use their cherished space. They only ask that attendees remove their shoes while on the dance floor. Please be prepared to dance inclean socks or bare feet. Clean, soft-soled shoes are also allowed.
524 W Broadway Rd #107
Tempe, AZ 85280

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