
Saturday, September 15, 2007

EarthDance Evolution

"As Summer turns to Fall in the Valley of the Sun the masses gather once again in Unison on this day, Earthdance is upon us again Join us for the 9th annual Arizona massive, the longest running event of its kind in the state, this show is the one you’ve been waiting for all year long. Earthdance '07 will feature over SEVEN stages with over 80 entertainers from across the globe.Our mission is to promote peace by joining participants in a synchronized PRAYER FOR PEACE and to support humanitarian causes through music and dance. Our goal is to inspire inspiration from promoters, clubs, artists and peace lovers worldwide to dedicate one day to humanitatarian efforts and help unite people from all nations in a day of peaceful celebration and harmony. This year we are expanding the circle to include anyone interested in world peace, even if you can't make it to an official event. Our objective is to create as many Earthdance events around the world as possible. From public stadium concerts to private living room gatherings, there are no conditions on how big or small an event has to be. The spirit of Earthdance is participation on whatever level possible. In the spirit of "Think Global, Act Local," each local promoter must donate at least 50% of their profits to a local charity related to one of the following categories:
The Welfare of Children & Urban Youth
Indigenous Peoples International Relief and Development
Environmental SustainabilityProtection Organizations that help Promote Peace"
24hr info line is 520-540-0205


Anonymous said...

Earthdance 2007 in Tucson Arizona was a let down. The party was broken up at 12:30PM apx. The stages were alright as far as Earthdance usually is, but what happened to venue, did someone not have a permit? was the music too loud?(I didnt think it was too loud personally)or was about private property issues? whatever the case may be it was dissapointing to get a taste of Earthdance only to have it broken up by Pima Co. Sherrifs Office. Earthdance was ruined for alot of Tucson kids, but i really feel for some of the phoenix kids who just got there! Peace to all in Phoenix and Tucson, next year this crap wont happen

Anonymous said...

I hope it won't happen again. I was really looking forward to earthdance this year. Spent quite a bit of money on it like so many others did. Will we be able to get our headliners to come back to Tucson? They said it was several noise complaints. I am very disappointed. Supposedly they were hinting at getting some sort of compensation and said to keep your ticket stub and wristbands according to We'll see though. They should just throw another rave but make sure it won't get broken up. I just want to party man.

Anonymous said...

As of Tuesday morning the promoters still haven't picked up the trash along the roads leading into the event. There are filled bags of trash left on the side of the road. I wish people who promote saving the earth and peace and all that plur crap weren't such hypocrites. This event is about promoting ego and making money. Mad props to the old ladies and volunteers from Humane Borders who were out there this morning picking up raver garbage: fliers, glowsticks, waterbottles, etc. Think about how it reflects negatively on the "rave" scene to have all that trash everywhere. It pisses off the community, neighbors, and the time just call it TrashDance.