There is much discussion on whether indoor or outdoor parties are more benecifial then the other. There are many pros and cons to both... This is the way I see it:
There is more room to roam, it doesnt get way overcrowded, cheaper to throw parties, cooler during the hot summer months. But then again, you also have to worry about local wildlife, equiptment getting damaged, finding a place where the cops wont find you and making it easy enough for everyone to get there, and getting arrested for trespassing on someone's land.
Great during the cold winter months, equiptment can be kept safer, sound is much better, there are not as many drunk or messed up people, things can be kept under control for the most part, more likely to have restrooms. The problem with indoor parties is they can be expensive to rent, dangerous to break into, get too overcrowded and hot, can be very dirty and dark, lack of proper facilities leading to very unsanitary situations.
Personally, I like to attend desert parties during the hot summer months, and more indoor parties during the cooler winter months. Either way, the parties I like to attend have to be legal.
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